My mom told me to never listen to other people's mothers.

I think Fuller and McLuhan stand the test of time.

As Whitman said, "Do I contradict myself?

Very well then I contradict myself,

(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"

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My mother gave me some sage advice - "Keep away from those who want to "save" the world." This kind of optimism needs more balance and recognition of the rot and psychosis in Fuller's spaceship and the gluttony in McCluhan's global village. I'm going outside to keep cultivating my own garden, thank you.

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"The Age of Reinvention has begun, and what we do with this expanded sense of connectivity and creativity is up to each of us."

Thank you for your wise and beautiful words.

The question of the day: Will we save life on this wonderfully generous planet?

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Thank you, Joyce. I appreciate your kind comment on this manifesto.

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