So true! We seemed as a nation to be moving forward, as far as having fewer books banned, and now all of a sudden, it's turning a hard right, policing what we can read. Even watering down or whitewashing the history we teach in school. I feel fairly confident this is just an aberration that will be righted, since so many are protesting this development. If I'm wrong, God help us.
Thanks, Deborah.
Thanks David, Stephen.
Thank you kindly, Alisa.
Thanks kindly, DuVay.
Thanks, Vincent.
Books open minds. Censorship is un-American.
Yes. Yes. "Libraries are the headquarters of civilization." - Gyorgy Faludy.
Cool, now do a post on publishers posthumously bowdlerizing the works of Dahl, Christie, etc.
So true! We seemed as a nation to be moving forward, as far as having fewer books banned, and now all of a sudden, it's turning a hard right, policing what we can read. Even watering down or whitewashing the history we teach in school. I feel fairly confident this is just an aberration that will be righted, since so many are protesting this development. If I'm wrong, God help us.
Very cool.