Thank you kindly, DuVay.

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Thank you, George.

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Thanks kindly, Alisa, Mike, Vincent.

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The last line makes me want to go straight to a movie theater! Love the 👠 👠 details, too. :-)

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Thanks, Tara. Glad you like this one.

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Pardonne mon français... Je suis autorisé à dire ces choses avec le Première Amendement?

Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif.

flamme en el l'obscurité . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/flamme-en-el-lobscurite

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Your writing is so like water! I could see this as part of a whole noir collection titled something like... The Blonde Gets in the End! 😂

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Funnily enough, I began a noir novel a few year ago, then completing other things took over. These noir prose poems (or are some flash fiction?) are beginning to form a collection. The main thing for me is the noir sensibility has deepened with these. Excuse me, I have to go snort some Dashiell Hammett.

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Bahahahaha... 😂

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