Who Am I?
Since there’s scant space to put up a Bio, here goes…I’m a writer, a poet, and a visual artist. I received an unconventional writing and fine arts education in New York City, at The Art Students League and St. Mark’s Poetry Project, in the Late 1970s and early 1980s. My poetry was published in The Little Magazine and The World in the 1980s. I began making collages in 1982, and in 2014 (or so) my collage artwork turned a corner, and since then my collage and mixed media artwork has been exhibited in Seattle and Montreal.
One of the writing projects I’m currently working on is an updated, definitive version of a book I wrote with my co-author, Michael Foster, entitled Manifestos, Reinventions & Declarations: Notes on Living Through History in the Making. We reinvented, reimagined, and re-envisioned a handful of essays we first published on The Huffington Post, and wrote many new pieces in reaction to the state of our changing world during the winter/springtime of 2019/2020, and during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.
Speaking with other writers and creatives of every type, we discovered the initial “put yourself on pause” mode gave those of us who were already in the creative flow state as often as possible—and always had a book, painting series, album, or screenplay underway—a new focus and understanding that on some level this was the universe to have at it, and dig into our creative projects as deeply as we could go. We understood this was a major global event, and that something had shifted in the world.
More to come.