Today turns into tonight. Tonight’s where the stars live up high, far above the oily, smudged clouds. Every moment is a pathway to another moment. Each night stays for a while, then transforms into another today. There are as many ways to live a life as there are stars in the galaxy. Two guys overheard at the late-night corner coffee shop: “Did you say ecosystem or ego-system?” “What’s it to ya?” Ideas pop around in my mind like kernels in a popcorn popper, while walking on these city streets. On some days, time hides in backroom shadows. Or lurks in basement clutter in front of the locked door to Nowheresville. Most often, you’ll find time waiting in the nighttime grass where it wants you to plant your ass and look up to see clusters of stars as if for the first time – feeling an inner opening of space and dimensionality, sometimes even frivolity. We’d feel lonelier without the sky, become lonesome mammals without a warm-blooded companion to lean against and make grateful humming sounds. We belong together in this world gone mad – through these years of endless wars and fitful nights of dreaming of a peaceful planet. It’s been foretold. You are the version of you you’ve been seeking. Pleased to meet you, you say in morning’s mirror. Wherever you are on your life’s path, you’re right on time in a timeless quantum universe. The digital ghosts of newspapers past, present, and future scream at us daily. Turmoil, torn pages, termites, terrors, tragedies, and every so often moments of transcendence. Building a better world is made by our collective effort, discovering what our actions will create – hour by hour, as the stories of our lives unfold.
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There are as many ways to live a life as there are stars in the galaxy... GOSPEL.
ThanksAndThanks, Sean McNulty !!