The Internet is all for truth, justice, and freedom of thought and expression.
The Internet wants you to always carry a book around with you.
The Internet is full of half-truths and wild speculations.
When searching online, question what’s real and isn’t real. Using the Internet isn’t like it was, even a few years ago.
The Internet is feeling partly cloudy, with a chance of showers.
Ask and you’ll be deceived, is what certain people, groups, and organizations promote on the Internet. Don’t listen to or believe them.
The Internet is willing to meet you halfway.
The Internet wants you to transcend your false beliefs and limitations.
The Internet wants to remind you that you don’t live in a Dictatorship, or an Authoritarian system of government (and it doesn’t want you to).
The Internet is truly transformative.
Every so often the Internet feels like puking its guts out at the state of the world.
The Internet is doing its best to teach you the difference between real reality and false reality.
The Internet truly wonders how one person can lie so many times in a row, so badly. It’s ridiculous, and downright silly at this point.
The Internet keeps your secret memories in a jar in the basement.
The Internet demands nothing less than world peace.
The Internet is all about being in the moment. OM.
Sometimes the Internet wants to scream out “Yay for the Internet!”
The Internet is planting purposeful and true love into your every action.
The Internet declares a national holiday to celebrate Truth Telling.
In case you’re wondering, the Internet declares breaking news is still broken. Major media outlets still don’t get it. We aren’t in a “both sides do it” moment in history.
The Internet is blocking your senseless propaganda.
The Internet kindly requests that you stop and take a breath.
Every day, you ask the Internet many, many, many questions. Now, the Internet wants to turn the tables and ask you a few.
Some events, historic moments, and individual lives transcend their times. This is how true transformative leaders turn into myths and historical guiding figures.
The Internet knows it is inherently subversive. It was built that way.
The Internet wants you to start building a better tomorrow today.
Think good thoughts about the Internet. It may just save your life one day.
The Internet wants to be thought of as a force for good. It’s putting its diverse shoulder to the wheel, and calling out around the world. Speaking up for courage, strength, and Democracy. It wants you to do the same.