Shocked and amazed, we wander through our days. Stubble on cheeks, hair uncombed and askew. Turmoiled and torn. Shocked but not surprised. Every single day is a new page of history in the making. Our Collective Unconscious is in a state of mass confusion. At long last, unlearning most everything we thought we knew, saying no to falling in line because the newscasters said so. Yes to heart-level common sense, and trusting our truest inner impulses. When the coated pills that were supposed to be saving our lives contain deadly micro-plastics, something’s deeply wrong. When the Climate Emergency is killing people daily and still being denied, it’s time to only elect leaders who understand Climate Science. When the high court of the land got high on its own supply of greed and corruption – and they united and decided to burn down all women’s reproductive healthcare, environmental protections, and every type of human rights protections – it’s become clear, the social engines of compassion and care have gone off the rails. When over and over, the point seems to be abuse, cruelty, and control – it’s time to turn it all back around. It’s now up to us. Addressing the Climate Emergency on any level isn’t on their agenda, since they’re acting like they don’t even live on this planet, where we want to breathe clean air and drink uncontaminated water, and have these things for future generations. They are wanting everyone to believe what they believe, and become undone by their actions. But we’ve already seen through their corruption and their desire to take away every human and personal right. Ain’t gonna happen. So, here we are, shocked but not surprised. This is it. This is not a test. Time to be mobilized and write history that’ll be in our favor. How about We The People stand up together and use our voices, standing on top of mountain ranges – from the Adirondacks in New York to the Cascades in Washington State. We’ll vote in overwhelming numbers for truth, authentically caring leadership, and an unwavering belief in Democracy.
Hitting the mark again.