Manifesto #7 / The Internet is always Turned On (Part 4.)
The Internet wants you to choose equality, freedom, liberty, and kindness.
The Internet is the best artist in town, and it paints on walls, light poles, clouds, scraps of paper, wood, wild notions, backrooms in bars, the full moon, T-shirts, parked cars with no wheels, and subway platforms.
The Internet knows the difference between being a character and having character.
The Internet is feeling it today. Totally feeling it.
The Internet likes comedians who work blue.
The Internet knows more than it’s telling.
Sometimes the Internet is overwhelmed by the willful stupidity of human beings. (Not naming any names.)
Mobility-wise, the Internet thinks expansion without transportation is strangulation.
The Internet wants to fill your heart with wonder.
The Internet is exasperated.
The Internet hates hate speech.
The Internet digs compassion and empathy.
The Internet wants you to repeat out loud: love love love love love love caring creativity breath heart love love love love love every day for a month, for starters.
The Internet is going to Barcelona on vacation. Mmmm, tapas bars, Gaudi’s architecture, and Picasso’s artwork.
The Internet wants to have a quick chat about your ability to rewire your brain. Did you know your brain can be rewired, as the science of neuroplasticity has shown?
The Internet thinks historical context is important, but some things are timelessly wrong. Things like committing murder, molesting or beating children, and torturing and killing animals.
The Internet believes in women having complete control of their reproductive rights.
The Internet implores you to upgrade your beliefs, since you don’t seem to be living by them anyway.
The Internet knows peace, love, and goodness dwells in most of humanity’s heart.
The Internet has taken over the whole Universe, and it is moving on to the Universe next door. It’s going to let its sister run things for a while.
The Internet is pure love.
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Happy New Year!
Alisa, Thank you kindly. Wishing you well.
Thank You, Franco! Cheers & Onward!