Manifesto #7 / The Internet is always Turned On (Part 6.)
Once up a time … the Internet didn’t exist.
The Internet is a good egg.
It’s comforting just knowing the Internet is always there for you.
The Internet is wholeheartedly against racism and sexism and ageism. We are all one, and the time has come to feel this in our hearts and bones.
The Internet loved when movie theaters were so much bigger, and not the size of shoe boxes. They were called movie palaces for a reason. You can look it up on the Internet.
The Internet knows there’ll never be another voice like Aretha’s voice.
The Internet wants a moratorium on stupid, vile, anti-social behavior.
The Internet gives you permission not to believe stupid lies anymore (if you ever did).
The Internet digs Bullet Trains and wonders why high-speed rail hasn’t been constructed in all corners of America.
The Internet is supremely proud to have been imagined in the same century Miles Davis lived in, and created Kind of Blue.
The Internet loves egg salad sandwiches with celery and relish, and a ton of pepper.
The Internet is here to help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
The Internet misses George Carlin. Seven dirty words … brilliant.
The Internet does own a crystal ball, and it can predict the future. But it’s not telling. You wouldn’t believe it anyway.
The Internet is a multifaceted projection of life on another planet, living inside the stomach of an alien being.
The Internet isn’t going anywhere.
The Internet wants the US Government to implement a modern version of the WPA program. Put artists to work making art and pay them a livable wage. Make society joyful. Artists shift the culture in so many ways. Songs! Paintings! Books! Poems! Plays! Dig in and feast on Arts & Culture!
Believe it or, the Internet wants you to read more books.
The Internet wants every little child in the world to be as smart as humanly possible.
The Internet believes in you.