Dear THE NEW NOW readers:
Since joining Substack about a year ago, I’ve been posting chapters from The New Now, Manifestos, Reinventions & Declarations, Updated & Expanded. I recently began posting The New Now in chapter order on The Library, which can be found in Nonfiction.
I’ll continue to post the book chapter by chapter in this way.
I’m glad to let you know that The New Now is available in paperback or eBook format, on Amazon in the Social Philosophy, Democracy, and Modern Philosophy categories.
Thanks to all who have read and enjoyed The New Now here on Substack.
Feel free to pass the word along.
More to come.
The New Now has arrived. We are the people we’ve been waiting for.
This book is catnip for the mind, lubricant for the heart, and encouragement for living our embodied reality – TOGETHER. Let these Brothers of Reinvention blow through your mind. "The Internet is Always Turned On" chapters woven throughout the book made me laugh out loud. Wry and quirky as hell. These Modern Beatnik Bodhisattva’s are inviting us to peer through different facets, flip things on their heads, confuse and amaze ourselves – all in service of taking in the new world that’s unfolding before our very eyes in every precious moment.
- Tricia. Saanich, Vancouver Island
The New Now / Manifestos, Reinventions & Declarations / Updated & Expanded is an insightful, free-thinking, Neo-Beatnik uplifting collection of manifestos and essays about the New Now we’re living through. After a global pandemic rolled across and ravaged our land, we can more easily understand how historic and prehistoric events happened. Deeply embedded, wrongheaded, calcified cultural norms are being pushed against as never before, and we can understand how societal shifts happened in past centuries – within months, days, or hours, and when a tipping point was finally reached.
While holding onto heart-centered awareness, humor, humanity, and a clear vision – we highlight what’s being done to push back against book banning, stolen human rights, and extremist censorship in this updated & expanded version. Fast forward several years past 2020 (when we released the earlier version of this book), and our world is in more turmoil, with the gun violence epidemic and the Climate Crisis ramping up, there’s much more at stake when it comes to building the future we want to live in.
For the updated & expanded version of our book, there are eight brand-new essays, where the subject matter and tone reflect the gravity of where we are in the New Now, and how much the world has shifted under our feet in such a short amount of time.
The End of Authoritarianism
Living in the New Now (There’s Never Going to Be a New Normal)
Looking for the Good
A Manifesto on Manifestos
America has a book-banning problem
From Seattle to Brooklyn, public libraries have stood up against book banning,
Living in the Divided States of America
A Declaration of Interdependence #4
In the 2023 edition of The New Now / Manifestos, Reinventions & Declarations, we dig into these topics even more directly. It’s impossible to completely understand every world-shifting event that has and will occur, but The New Now offers insights, reflections, and ways we can shift our perspective. During these unbalanced times, this book contains ideas on regaining our balance and moving forward in a joyfully grounded and spirited way—while staying in touch with our deepest selves using creativity, camaraderie, and wonderment.
Previously published as Manifestos, Reinventions & Declarations / Notes on Living Through History in the Making, it was an Amazon Top-Seller in Social Philosophy.
Wonderful, Russell. I'll be purchasing it for sure.
Alisa, Many thanks!